Friday, August 2, 2013

Rare bird

Here are shots of a Black Crown Night Heron ... a rare bird to be found in Tompkins Square Park... photos by Bobby Williams...


  1. The Philosophical ZombieAugust 2, 2013 at 9:59 PM

    Wow, gorgeous! Thanks so much!

  2. How cool! Sweet little thing...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wonder if it's one of the pair that live at Central Park pond (though I doubt it, CP pond is some sweet digs!).

    Weird to see one in TSP! They are shore birds. Hope it finds its way to a nice, safe spot soon.

  5. Wow! What great photos!

  6. That is VERY impressive. Kudos to the photographer for spotting that beautiful bird.

  7. Just saw one last night in the park. (8/21/15). I did not know what bird until I saw this post. Very cool.

  8. @Anon 7:09 - good to know! These guys east rats.


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