Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today in East River alligator sightings

EVG reader Jenn Houser spotted this scene this morning near the Williamsburg Bridge.

In town to audition for the East River floating pool?


  1. Great Find. I wonder if a shark will quickly follow? Or if this alligator will be caught by one of the many fisher poles poking out?


  2. i flushed that guy down the toilet years ago. my how he's grown!

  3. An alligator's place is in the sewer.

  4. Anon 1:34PM - Grown?!? Don't you mean he's "inflated"?

  5. You know EVG, when you look at this page from a mobile device, it only displays the top portion of the photo. Which means that I totally fell for the headline. As you can imagine this post has turned out to be a huge disappointment. Thanks for nothin.

  6. @anon 7:27

    Sorry! Still, no refunds.

  7. that gator blew up like.. like... AL GORE!!


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