Today is NYU Freshman Move-In Day and the NYU Welcomes You event for students and parents. Which means a lot of things.

Like, for instance, it might be a really bad time to go to Bed, Bath & Beyond. (Not that there's ever a good time to go there. But detergent is detergent.)

And, as always, words to live by. Stop Drop and Go.

Take your cargo shorts, flip-flops, A&F hats and go home you tremendous bores!
Can they skip the Stop and the Drop and just Go??
They'rrrrrre herrrrrrrrrrre…!
Move out day rocks these useless rich kids toss out every kind of perfectly functional almost new stuff, treasures for working losers like moi!
Saw some of these "students' moving in dressed up all nines in their high heeled shoes and designer dresses and overhearing them to check-out Saxon + Parole or the General, and they must go to Artichoke since they have the BEST pizza, and to meet them in Williamsburg later since they just met a guy and there's supposed to be these AWESOME party going on in there. ZOMG! Thanks Mom and Dad for the trust fund. Come visit me in 4 years with my bought degree in Art History -- I want to be an Art Historian and also because of interested in the social-political climate in which they were created -- and New York City has the best museums and Art Galleries based on Gallery Girls and Girls.
And headed to the nearest 7-11!
STOP thinking for four years while drinking and puking your way through the East Village and in the hallways of your luxury Stuy Town dorms
DROP your IQ by 20 points taking classes most NY private school kids have already aced by 9th grade, and drop your pants too, every time you feel the urge to go, even if it's not SantaCon
AND make sure no one else can get an affordable apartment or sleep at night during your four year all expenses paid vacation in BroHo and WooHooville, then
GO back to the McMansions you came from since all the good jobs are in India and China, and your Indian and Chinese classmates already have them.
Every comment above this one sounds like it came from the script of Grumpy Old Men.
...just wondering why the stop and drop has to happen on one day? What a mess of traffic and sidewalk congestion.
Stop railing on the grumpy old men.
Drop your tights, or whatever it is you call pants (I mean you might as well be naked, right?) for them.
Those can be your Sugar Daddies. Who do you think will pay for your "education" when Mommy and Daddy decide to cut you off and keep their money for themselves and finally take that trip to Bali, and adopt a foreign baby? Now,
go to "class" and meet your future benefactor.
The bitterness here is hilarious.
The arrival of the NYU students IS hilarious.
Shouldn't that be "Stop, Drop and Hurl"?
NYU! Woo hooo!
Wonderful. Another several thousand people from flyover states here to bring their own banal flavor of mediocrity to the city and 1,000 Subway sandwich shops ready to cater to them.
I completely understand the bitterness towards NYU and the effect it has on the city. I live in the central village across the street from a community garden that it wants to raze, and my sidewalks are already clogged with students. But I don't get the animosity towards NYU students as a group. There are good and bad among them, just as there are among every group.
This blog should be a requisite reading for those fresh people or anyone just moving in to the neighborhood.
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