Tuesday, August 6, 2013

When you received 'no finer service anywhere' at this cleaners

Yesterday, EVG reader Patrick noticed that Aura Cleaners on East 14th Street just east of Avenue B was getting a new sign... not really newsworthy (except for on this site — woot) ... However! In pulling down the old awning... the workers exposed a little ghost signage... "No finer service anywhere" in a fine font...

Curious about the date of the original... Patrick found a tax photo dating to 1983 showing the sign in place...

The two-level building was erected here in 1949... and the first commercial tenant was a restaurant, according to the Certificate of Occupancy.


  1. If I were them I'd spiffy up the old sign and make THAT the attraction!

  2. No sh-t. In with the old, out w/ the new.


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