Whoa. Shocker. That sidewalk bridge that had been on the corner of First Avenue and East 14th Street is finally gone... Oh! So this is what all these businesses look like...

As for this being maybe the worst corner in the neighborhood for general congestion, stupidity, annoyances ... that's subjective... but it really sucks. You may have other least-favorite corners.
In the 1960s the corner had a furniture store with an alcove you could walk around in, the alcove let you hide behind some furniture but let you see the other passers by. One evening I spied my girlfriend smooching and kissing a guy on 14th St, boy, was I pissed but didn't do anything just watched them makeout. We broke up the next day, that was that. She eventually married the guy and had a few kids with him and I supposed lived happily after him. I feel stupid and wonder if she remembers that time. I do. But 14th St sure has changed.
I'm always in Manhattan Snail over there.
I get all my Arrows (esp. RED) from them.
I don't know. I really can't think of a corner that's worse, in this neighborhood.
I hate that corner, but at least now it will be easier to walk through the crowds and get out of there faster! With the sidewalk shed, you'd often get stuck between the crowd getting off the L, people waiting for the M14, tourists, and beggars.
I like exiting the L here and basically having to walk right into 14th Street. Can't believe that more people aren't run over.
I was walking around this corner with a friend this weekend saying how much I hate it. She was saying it wasn't that bad. I look forward to showing her this post, which confirms I was right! ;)
The worst thing about that corner is all the dipshits who don't obey the delayed "go" sign on the north side, as well as the maniac drivers who practically mow into people after the "go" for pedestrians is given.
That corner is bad, and a lot of congestion was caused by that sidewalk shed. However, that shed was good to hide under during rainstorms after getting off the L or waiting for the M14.
Agree that it's a miserable corner. Bring back the sidewalk bridge, keep this shit hidden.
Mick, did you break up with her or she break up with you??
I know it's just outside the neighborhood, but my least-favorite corner is the SW corner of E 14th & Broadway (even before the construction).
I agree, one of my biggest annoyances about this intersection is that very, very few people wait for the Walk -Signal to cross on the north side of the street and, thereby, the cars that have the left-turn light are often unable to turn from 14th St. onto 1st Ave. because of the people in the crosswalk (it’s great when people get pissed at the cars for trying to turn when it’s the people who don’t have the light who are in the wrong). Ok, I’m done now!
Anonymous said...
Mick, did you break up with her or she break up with you??
She sucked me back in and the boy friend went off to Vietnam, we did a lot of screwing and a year later he came back and there was gonna be their wedding. I was pissed and started hanging around Times Square, never looked back until days like this. I just smile now, life is like that, a few tears, a few smiles and you go on.
That bridge really had been there forever. As I walked on that corner this morning, it seemed so strange to be able to see the sky and have all that room on the sidewalk. My whole perspective seemed altered.
I walk to and from work every day and always say to myself, "Oh, I better stay on this side of 1st Ave to avoid the WORST corner in the East Village!" Some really bad feng shui and juju there. Will the absence of the scaffolding help? I doubt it.
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