Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A quick look at Sarge's, hopefully reopening soon

Happened to be walking by EVG favorite Sarge's on Third Avenue the other day... the 48-year-old deli between 36th and 37th sustained extensive damage following a three-alarm fire last November.

The good news is that owner Andrew Wengrover recently told Eater that he was hoping to be open by the middle of this month... or as late as the first week of October. Per Wengrover: the reopened Sarge's will be the same as it always was. Yes please.

1 comment:

  1. I walked past yesterday when the construction doors were open. Still much work to be done. Ductwork and wall framing is up, and probably wiring is done, but nothing else. Still very much a construction site. Year-end is probably even a stretch for an opening date. Forget about later this month or October. That clearly ain't happening.


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