[Via Facebook]
There has been a long-standng problem at The Miracle Garden on East Third Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...
Basically, every year, volunteers obtain a permit to use the hydrant on the street to water the garden... unfortunately, the hydrant has a crack in it... and just as much water ends up on the sidewalk and street as it does in the garden...

Despite five years of calls to the city, FDNY, local elected officials, etc., etc. ... the hydrant remains cracked... and wasting so much water in the process...
This new video, released Friday, sums up the situation in 80 seconds...
Please help us fix the hydrant (1 min. & 20 sec.) from Artola Digital on Vimeo.
I know the problem! They've been calling 511 (00:47). They should be calling 311!
The hydrant doesn't looked cracked to me. It just looks like they need a gasket on their connection.
hopefully the result of the video will NOT be the denial of the permit to use the hydrant.
It is absolutely disgraceful that this problem has not been fixed. This is why we have local elected officals. What the heck does Rosie Mendez do with her days? Working on public housing issues is not the full extent of her job responsibilities. She should be on the phone, personally, every day, several times a day, until the problem is fixed.
I love the garden and the hydrant should be fixed but they really should install their own watering system. Fire hydrants should be used for fires, not to water plants or cool off on a hot day.
Apparently Rosie was busy naming a street after someone. No disrespect to Cornell Edwards but these types of things are such a waste of taxpayer money. Like someone is actually going to call 13th St Cornell Edwards Way ? If so, then remove the 13th St sign and call it that. Make up your mind,
call 311, get servicae complaint number, then call council office or CB office with number. this will be followed up. Productive complaining works.
Anon@1:01 - you need to watch the video. They did those things and nothing came of it because the government people they spoke with didn't follow through.
If Guggenheim were to have a "lab" in there, they'd have fixed this in 5 mins.
anon 12:01, there is nothing inappropriate about using a hydrant for watering a garden. It would be insane (expensive and unnecessary) to have every garden install their own water system. That's why the City gives gardens special permission to use the hydrants in this way (and access to the special wrenches necessary to turn them on and off).
Thanks 4:33. You took the words right out of my typing fingers.
Call d.e.p. directly they have a hotline to report leaks and response time is under 10 days to repair ps I work for agency but can't ask for favors its inappropriate
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