Tuesday, September 10, 2013

An appreciation: Star Shoe Shop

Star Shoe Shop has been over on Bleecker Street between Lafayette and Broadway for the past 60 years... the shop recently moved a few doors to the west... East Village-based photo Gudrun Georges stopped by late last month to document the wonderfully cluttered shop before it switched locations...

As Gudrun writes: "This is one of those places that you just have to experience ... these tiny shops might all be gone one day."

Indeed, though we're happy that this one has survived. See more of Gudrun's Star photos here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Favorite East Village places: Ink on A


  1. I'm surprised no one has commented yet. These photos are gorgeous (I bookmarked her website) and I would love to drop into that shop with my boyfriend this weekend.

    We'll definitely buy SOMETHING and visit the store at the new location.

    Thanks, Grieve!

  2. And it seems to me, he bases repair prices on how decently you treat him.

    A trip back to neighborhood time.

  3. The guy in the photos, Alex, looks exactly like the guy who owns the shoe repair on 2nd Ave, between 3rd st and 4th st. I wonder if they are related. The place on 2nd ave has been open, and run by the same guy, for at least 30 years. I have been going to them all of my adult life. The big difference is that this guy seems friendly. The guy on 2nd ave is notoriously mean. The people who work there take pleasure in ignoring you when you walk in. The old guy on the sewing machine has to be the most unfriendly person I have ever met in a shop in NY. Truly, these people are nasty. But they do good work, and the prices are great, and it is the only shoe repair I have ever used. The guys from the 2nd ave shop would never allow a photographer to take photos there, and they most certainly would not be smiling for a picture.


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