Throughout the week, we've been watching a new mural go up on the side of Doc Holliday's on Avenue A and East Ninth Street... Bobby Williams has been keeping tabs on the progress...
... the mural is now complete...
What's it all about? Per a tipster:
A gift from Dorian Grey Gallery [on East 9th Street] and UK street artist STIK to the neighborhood. The mural is titled "Liberty" in honor of the history of Tompkins Square Park.

Nothing says Tompkins Square Park like a stick figure wearing a bib! But it's cute.
I can dig it. I get it. But they could have been a little more literal in their depiction (i.e., using a clenched fist).
Anonymous 7:33,
I think the figure is hailing a cab.
If I were Tompkins Square Park I'd be very insulted right about now.
thats fucking retarded
You should be ashamed of yourself using that word.
needs a torch in the upper hand and a "give us your huddled masses" in the other.
We used to have Kenny Scharf and Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat and now we have ... this.
It isn't the worst mural ever (now there's a write-in competition, folks). It's just ... different!
I like the description above -- cute. Hey, what's next? Maybe a Hello Kitty mural! Meow!
Art is supposed to convey a message.
I SEE NO MESSAGE in this stick figure.
Therefore, failure.
I guess Stik, as in stick figures, is sort of a one-note street artist --
I don't really have any feeling towards it one way or the other. But I would thank Dorian Grey Gallery for giving back to the neighborhood.
I really like it!!! So cute.
STIK from the U.K. I hope the paint was at least locally sourced.
Shouldn't it be clutching a Rent Eviction Notice in one hand?
I don't think it's retarded...
Simple-minded maybe...
Special needs art.
The one on the side of Doc's looks much better.
Ughh. A remake of the Gringo mural from back in the day would've been a more fitting tribute to TSP. This is weak.
All of your comments are taken with a grain of salt(very little regard)...but you know that....right?
Good god, that needs to have a few paint balloons thrown on it and even then it would still suck.
Seriously, is this a joke?
Yours too, @ 1.14 am? Yo! Bro!
Looks to me like the building is hailing a cab.
That's the "uh oh, I just pooped my pants" look. I know it well.
I like it.
1:14, it seems a bit weird for you to come here and assure all of us of how much you don't care.
The mural sucks, sorry.
Hipster art, plain and simple. These bastards have ruined my neighborhood. For the record, I'm 50 years old, and was born here in N.Y.C., so I'm not someone who moved here from somewhere else 5 or 10 years ago. Not only have they ruined the neighborhood... they've destroyed the city, thanks to Bloomturd!
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