Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Help CB3 assess the needs of the neighborhood

Bill LoSasso, treasurer at Community Board 3, passed this along...

CB3 Public Hearing — Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Priorities

Monday, Sept. 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Board 3 Office, 59 E. 4th Street between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

This is an opportunity for organizations and residents to tell the Community Board their budget priorities.

What parks need reconstruction? What programs need funding? Help us assess the needs of our community.

Every year the Community Board submits a list of capital and expense budget priorities to city agencies. This hearing is your opportunity to have input into these district budget priorities. Tell us how money should be spent in Community Board 3.

Organizations, groups and individuals representing all segments of the community are encouraged to participate.

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