Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rosie Mendez wins the Democratic primary for District 2 City Council

A quick note from yesterday's primary election... in the race for District 2 City Council, which includes the East Village, part of the Lower East Side and Union Square, among other neighborhoods, two-term Councilmember Rosie Mendez defeated Pastor Richard Del Rio 81 percent to 18 percent. The Lo-Down has more details on other local races of interest.


  1. Ugh. Between her and Margaret Chin, our architectural heritage doesn't stand a chance. They'd sell the Empire State Building if it got them a campaign contribution.

  2. Why is she not term limited out of "office"? She's been there forever.

    Politicians are morally worse than muggers. The latter don't think they have the right to take your money and don't think they have the right to follow you down the road and constantly try to interfere with your life, regulate your business, tax you, etc.

    At least a mugger runs the other way and stays away after he steals your money.

    Bill the libertarian anarchist

  3. I voted for Del Rio even though he seems like a lunatic. Just to get her out. Didn't work. Oh well.

  4. Libertarian = Anarchist.

  5. I had not been able to get any help from the City to stop the restaurant fumes infesting the apartments on East 6th in India Row, in desperation I called Rosie's office and they got the Buildings Dept over there within a week and the problem is mostly solved. I wrote to her asking her to NOT allow Bloomturd to overturn term limits and she replied to me to tell me she was not going to do that. Maybe I'm naive, but I think she does a lot to help the families who have been in the neighborhood for meny generations.

  6. She also proclaimed that she did not believe in overturning the will of the voters who spoke out twice in favor of two-term limits, yet she had no hesitation in running for a third term simply because she could. A flaming hypocrite, our Rosie is.

  7. from the NY Times website

    Roll Call, 3:22 p.m., on an amendment calling for a public referendum on term limits:
    Rosie Mendez of Manhattan, yes;

    Roll Call, 4:35 p.m., on Introduction 845-A, to extend term limits for New York City elected officials to three terms from two:
    Rosie Mendez of Manhattan, no;

    Maybe it is hypocritical, but she followed the will of her constituents and apparently 80% of those voting approve.

    I tried to vote, but realized I had switched to republican to vote for Bachman (I really wanted her up against obummer) and the voting attendants made one mistake after another, finally after having some yahoo shout to the whole room "HE's a Republican" I bailed, realizing my vote was not going to be recorded.

  8. I'm utterly mystified by you Rosie haters. Her office has been responsive to my calls about pothole-level stuff and she's been on the ball about community gardens, CHARAS, etc. Her office hustled after SANDY, no matter what that creepy preacher man says -- I went by there and volunteered some myself. I hear gripes about NYU, and maybe that's legitimate, along with some pie-in-the-sky stuff about SPURA. But that's the only substantive complaints I've heard about her. She seems like a good, solid progressive council member. What exactly is the problem with her? Or is it like the free-floating rage over bike lanes/Citibike/any old thing on this site?

  9. And now onto the general election, assuming there's no runoff, the new Bill de Blasio tagline for the general public will be:

    "Vote for The 'Fro, Not For Joe."

    The tagline for a more streetwise demographic:

    "Vote for The 'Fro, Because Joe's a Ho."

    For voters in a 12 step program:

    "Just Say No To Joe, Vote for The 'Fro."

    Tagline for people who take 6 or more months to throw away their Christmas trees:

    "Vote for The 'Fro, Ho Ho Ho."

    Note; The previous unofficial de Blasio tagline was:

    "Vote For The 'Fro, Not The 'Ho."

    Seems like that one worked out pretty well.

  10. As I shared under another post, her office intervened with HPD to provide oil for our building when we were left without heat or hot water for weeks this winter (lunatic landlord stopped paying the bills).

    Surely she's not a perfect official and most of us disagree with her on some issues, but I want to echo what a few others have said: she does try to help EV families. If it wasn't for her and her staff, me and my neighbors, long-term EV residents, would have spent the entire winter without heat or hot water. I shudder to think what could have happened, especially to a few elderly neighbors in poor health.

  11. I think she serves the community well but definitely favors those who contribute to her campaign. I am particularly not happy about how GOLES gets so much attention. Don't get me wrong, they do good work but with limited disretionary funds available she needs to expand the list of those receiving funds. And of course there are all of her bar owner friends, DM in particular. Stringer currently sponsers DM and AP. WIth him gone hopefully Gale Brewer will appoint regular citizens to the community board and get rid of those clowns.

  12. I suppose the lessor of two evils. It would have been nice to have a better choice but who would want that job. Us EV'ers are a boisterous bunch. The problem with the primaries is that everyone is not registered with a Party and with such low turnout you just need to get a few thousand people to vote. As the incumbent that should not be too hard to do. With the Public Advocate runoff the turnout will be even lower but you need to make sure you get your ass up to vote for Daniel Squadron !

  13. She took credit for the rezoning on her flyers in the mail. She had nothign to do with that. Thank you EVCC !!

    She also listed on her flyers that she is concerned about quality of life issues yet she is friendly with many bar owners and worse yet, appoints them to the community boards.

    More of the same for the next 4 years. "Progressive" my ass.

  14. I never supported term limits. People should be allowed to vote for whomever they want. Rather than stopping people from running, it needs to be made easier to recall politicians in office.

  15. Rosie Rocks she's been great in assisting the old and the new residents of the East Village her office actually will help with problems and get results i'd vote for her four times

  16. I never supported term limits. Then I moved to the state of New York.

  17. check your facts. Rosie Mendez never appointed any bar owners to the community boarad--those appointments were made by the borough president (who you all just voted in as comptroller) She is very much responsible for the rezoning. EVCC started it and brought it to the community board. She worked wiht the board and City Planning on this for over a year, then shepherded it through City Council where she was the lead vote since it was her district.

  18. 1:01AM and 6:51AM,

    So how much do Mendez campaign workers get paid on average? Was it a fun gig?

  19. Yes, yes, yes. We should all have voted for the theocratic, insane guy who wants to have church services in public schools. Yeah, that Mendez, she sucks.

  20. Interesting that some of the very same people who are so quick to yell "Citibike shill" at anyone saying anything positive about that program are on-board with a corporate shill just because she gets a pot-hole filled here or there. Real big picture.


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