Wednesday, October 16, 2013

East Village resident creates Puppydog Poop Mitts

East Village resident and EVG reader Pablo Galarza shared this information...

Over the past 15 years, I’ve used nearly every bag made to pick up after my beloved Brittany, Mack. I have tried The New York Times delivery sleeve, plastic bags from Walgreens, rectangular dog bags sold in rolls at pet stores and dozens of other random bags.

I recently founded Puppydog Products to create a mitten-shaped bag for cleaning up dog waste. The PuppyDog Poop Mitt is degradable and by far smartest and easiest way to clean up after your dog. No more fumbling to find the opening for the bag, no nasty scent to remind you of your chore, large enough to wear over a glove on cold days, and the unique mitten shape really makes pick up a breeze.

This is a DIY company so far, and my plan is to market them by word-of-mouth by giving away free samples to dog walkers/owners. Just send an email here with your address, and we'll send you a free pack of 30 Poop Mitts.


  1. It's not DIY if you buy something ready-made. It's better to use a plastic bag from the store. It's not like you're going to wash the glove and reuse it.

  2. I use a small plastic spoon, and I make several trips back and forth up and down the sidewalk, until everything is scooped up and dropped in the nearest trash can.

  3. These could be used on the subway too, for those of us who have a reasonable but germophobic terror of touching the poles.

  4. 7:54 - Yeah, the DIY language is not accurate. Still seems like a great product though.

    9:31 - That's disgusting. And probably illegal (the droppings need to be contained, not loose in the can).

  5. I believe the DIY refers to his startup company, and may refer to that there is no other funding other than his own... not the actual product... if bio degradable, anything that makes it easier to pick up the poops is welcome, as far as I'm concerned... I like the idea of promoting a small local business, and will give these mitts a try... thanks for posting...

  6. @nygrump - that's actually not a bad idea.

  7. @ 9:56, if you fold the bags inside out, the poop will be contained. Am I smart, or am I smart?

  8. I already signed up for the free pack o' poop mittens.
    Will keep yas all posted.
    Shittens are TP mittens for your bunghole.

  9. Is 9:31 a funny if gross jokester, or the most ridiculous real person yet, spooning up dog crap one sweet spoonful at a time? Please 9:31 if you are still here, advise!

  10. Thanks to a strict diet my dog's logs are picture perfect. Just the right firmness, like slightly softened tootsie rolls. Very easy to clean up. You could almost pick them up with your bare hands. Still, I would like to sample these mitten baggies.

  11. To 7:44 -- I was kidding about spooning the crap up.

    But for serious, when I was little, my cousin's dad nailed a soup can onto a long wooden stick, then put a plastic bag in the can. When the dog crapped, my cousin just held the can under the dog's behind, then pulled out the bag and dumped it in the trash. It was also good for self-defense, because it was a big stick.

    Also, when I was walking my friend's dog, it crapped on a crowded sidewalk, and he went to pick it up with some newspapers. So I started screaming that I didn't know him and why was he taking my dog's shit and what kind of pervert was he.

    We are no longer friends.

  12. Haha! OK, 1:31. You got me. :)

  13. I've been walking dogs for over 20 years, and I refuse to pay for something that should be free; I just fold up the supermarket circulars that they drop on our doorsteps, and use biodegradable paper to pick up bioidegradable turds.

    (LOL at "SHITTENS"!)


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