Friday, October 4, 2013

Found photos in the East Village from the early 1990s

When Roy Lee lived in the East Village in the early 1990s, he'd always pick up and save discarded photos that he'd find on the streets. All these years later, he finally got around to scanning them ... he shared them on Facebook, where we spotted them...

"If anyone actually recognizes anyone, that would be fun, but I don't expect it," he said.

And does anyone know if any manufacturer still makes that snazzy zebra-tiger print in the bottom photo?


  1. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.October 4, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    I find these fascinating for some reason.

  2. These are great!

    The black housemaid one is disturbing. Yikes.

    I moved to the city in 1991 and was hoping I'd see someone I recognized but nope.

  3. That fourth pic looks like Danny Thomas.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenOctober 4, 2013 at 11:07 AM

    These are great. There is something vaguely disturbing/mysterious about them.

  5. That's the most amazing wallpaper I've ever seen.

  6. @ Goggla... you ever get up to Gino's before it closed? It had that amazing zebra wallpaper too...

    --- muzz

  7. @muzz - I was thinking the same thing!

    And that photo is giving me flashbacks of our living room in the 70s - gold carpet and green jungle wallpaper complete with leopard and monkey heads.

  8. @ goggla -- our parents must have read the same magazines. Green and gold...til '77, then everything white with green accents! haha! (muzz)


    I find these fascinating, too. Pictures detached from any sort of narrative - let's you make up your own story.

    I recently had the opportunity to comb through the rubble of a house fire in Jamaica and found dozens and dozens of photographs only partially scarred by the flames - mystery after mystery......

  10. These photos are great!!

  11. One can't find instagrams on the streets.

  12. The 2nd to last picture kind of looks like Monsignor O'Brien who used to be the head at Immaculate Conception.

  13. Really fun photos ! Wish there were more !


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