Saturday, October 12, 2013

Free today in Tompkins Square Park: 'Hangin With Satan'

Spotted this at the Park entrance. Don't know anything about it. Per the "Satan" Facebook page:

Hangin with Satan explores an alternative way of looking at the world and ourselves. Told through Satan himself this story challenges the current paradigm that god is the one and only ruler who passes the last judgement on all of us. What if we were taught that we all were gods. That we posses the powers and knowledge within ourselves to fully control our own destinies without going out of ourselves looking for power and guidance. In every human being, there lies a blueprint for their life as well as a record of their past and the past of the world.

The play is set in the Park as well. Starts at 5 p.m.


  1. What time does Satan go on?

  2. If he invites you back to his place for drinks afterwards ... say no

  3. EV has become a literal hell. The master has risen.

    With impetuous recoil and jarring sound/
    The infernal doors, and on their hinges grate/
    Harsh thunder, that the lowest bottom shook/
    Of Erebus. She opened, but to shut/
    Excelled her power; the gates wide open stood/

    And Satan comes on at 6:06:06

  4. Bloomberg has a band?

  5. Satanists are more Christian than Christians.


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