Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Honk if you love brass bands and parades

[This evening via Bobby Williams]

As you may have heard, the 2nd Annual East Village Cavalcade of Pomp is underway now in the neighborhood... part of the HONK NYC! Festival.

Per the HONK NYC Facebook page:

East Village Cavalcade of Pomp Parade Starting Locations & Schedule — all parades end in Tompkins Square Park, where bands will perform a set.

5pm - Perhaps Contraption in Tompkins Square Park

5:30pm - Os Siderais begins a parade through the neighborhood from De Colores Community Yard Garden on 8th Street between Avenues B & C

5:30pm - Environmental Encroachment steps off from Two Boots Pizzeria, Avenue A and 3rd Street corner

6pm - Minor Mishap Marching Band leaves from The Bean, 1st Avenue at 9th Street corner

6:45pm - Hungry March Band departs from the Lower East Side Girls Club, 8 Street between Avenues C & D

Expect a mass of honking and marching then in Tompkins Square Park... then at 8, there's a HONK NYC! Radical Marching Band Symposium at the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space at 155 Avenue C ... then an after-party at 10 at Drom on Avenue A...


  1. I may be in the minority but I HATE it when brass bands march around and play on the sidewalk. They always seem to play for too long and too loud when I'm trying to chill at home. If I wanted to hear music, I'd go to a show.

  2. Anonymous 10:53,
    You're probably not in the minority, especially if you prefer heroin dealers to marching bands.

  3. 10:53

    there should be a rule. when you are too old and cranky for the east village, MOVE THE FUCK OUT.


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