Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Report: Convicted sex offender attempts kidnapping schoolgirl on Avenue B

A convicted sex offender attempted to kidnap a 13-year-old girl as she walked to school this morning on Avenue B, the New York Post is reporting.

The man, identified as 35-year-old Jose Mendoza, reportedly pulled alongside the teen in a black SUV and said "hey, you’re beautiful." The teen continued to walk "but the man became more aggressive and tried to pull her into the car."

The teen was able to escape. Police reportedly arrested Mendoza when the girl spotted him in the area 45 minutes later. The NYPD charged him with attempted kidnapping. Per the Post: Mendoza is on the state's sex offender registry "and considered a level 2, or medium-risk."


  1. Obviously this guy is a piece of trash needs to be put away.

    But why was she still in the area 45 minutes later instead of in school?

  2. She was probably not in school because in all likelihood the police put her in a squad car and drove around the neighborhood hoping to spot the perp. And it paid off.

  3. 3:48, seriously? Obviously she was scared and waited in the deli for safety until the cops were called and arrived.

  4. What a brave girl. I am sorry she had to go through this, but I am glad she was able to identify this guy.

  5. HEY 3:48!!!!
    Why does she even bother going to school when she's just gonna go and get married anyway????
    Obviously, I'm joking. This is s sensitive matter and I mean no disrespect WHATSOEVER. I'm going to give 3:48 the benefit of the doubt and assume he/she had a brain fart.

  6. so this guy is a "medium risk" huh? hate to see the high risk ones

  7. Why is a "medium risk" sex offender not in prison?

  8. I get emails about "sex offenders who are in your neighborhhood" and I never read them. I guess I should read them. Damn.

  9. You can search by zip code

  10. Chemical castration is the only remedy for these people prison does not work their wiring is screwed up

  11. Call the sex offender unit and report this 12123237101

  12. Why they don't put his picture up?

  13. Sex offenders names and addresses are publicly available for everyone to see.

  14. I truly would love to castrate this cretin, PERSONALLY, but unfortunately, that wouldn't stop him. Child molesters are predators and the only way to save kids from them is to incarcerate them. They need to be placed in General Population. Gen pop will know what to with them.


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