[Image via Banksyny]
This Banksy mobile showed up on Ludlow Street on Wednesday... part of the artist's month-long NYC street residency... as perhaps expected... someone took a piece of the installation (the back door on the driver's side) ... as this photo via Justin McWilliams of the East Village shows...
Banksy's piece on East Seventh Street was quickly altered ...and his some of his other work has been defaced as well this month...
You know what? If I had the wherewithall and the chutzpah, I woulda done the same thing. Heh.
There's one of Bansky's installations on a Greenpoint warehouse door, some dude offered $1000 & a replacement door, the owner turned him down and proceeded to cover it with the hopes of selling it for more. I thnk I'll make some stencils and start spraying them around the city.
Both doors gone by this morning.
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