Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Nugget Spot debuts tonight on East 14th St.

The Nugget Spot has its official grand opening at 230 E. 14th St. tonight at 6...

Here's a description of their food via Facebook:

It's not just chicken and it's not just breadcrumbs. We make signature nuggets from different meats and vegetables, coated with innovative breading.

[Via Facebook]

Let us know if you try them...


  1. Innovative breading lol.

  2. :: please don't say biscuits. please don't say biscuits. ::

  3. here's a nugget for you - they look like byproducts.

  4. I figured it out. Instead of opening a 7-11, just open an overpriced version of any of a number of McDonalds menu items and give it a dingular name, like Nugget.

  5. best nuggets i ever had

  6. the chicken very fresh sauces are amazing

  7. i've never had better chicken nuggets in my life! they use organic white meat chicken you get to choose your own nugget coating- the coconut nugget is my fav!

  8. @3:55 Please move your shilling to Yelp. I'm sure someone there will care.

  9. These are so delicious, you have to try them! Also a good way to support a local business, not McDonalds or 7-11.

  10. No way you can compare this to a McDonald's. This is real tasty and not processed. You can taste the difference.

  11. I moved to Orlando last year from NYC, I can't say that what's down here, including the whole Disney area and downtown Orlando really looks that much different than large chunks of NYC. That's a very sad truth. I hate what is happening to my beloved city, it's becoming so boring.

  12. I'll hazard a guess that 11:29 AM, 12:04 PM, and 3:55PM are all the same person.

    Same punctuation errors, writing style, and 'tone'. And shill factor (of course).


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