Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today in leisure activities in Tompkins Square Park

[Bobby Williams]

[peter radley]


  1. Captain Moreton's Eglinton CastleOctober 13, 2013 at 9:50 PM

    EV is the new Hamptons and Greenwich.
    Look at me, me, me. Meeeeeeeeeeeee.

  2. They may perhaps be yunnies, *but* it is a blast to play, the rules are simple, and the equipment they're using is dirt cheap. I've thought of starting a downtown croquet league, in the East River Park.

  3. Fk'n a-holes...
    Don't they know this park is specifically for shooting dope and throwing up in?

  4. But really - croquet for fuck sake?!? What's next - polo matches Sunday at noon? (Don't even THINK about it!)

  5. What's to not like about croquet? I think people need to come forward and just declare themselves to be against fun in general.

  6. Weird how my rather harmless comment was censored and not published yet others' (especially the one calling the people "Fk'n a-holes") made the grade???

  7. My grandparents used to pull this out at family gatherings and we'd only stop playing because it was time to eat.

  8. Uhh, beats the hell out of Jarts?

    Jesus, curmudgeon trolls, could you be a little more inventive than the kneejerk Yunnie gripes? You're putting me to sleep here.

  9. c'mon. they are not in croquet "whites"! besides, it's fun!


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