Sunday, November 3, 2013

And how was your Saturday morning?

An East Village couple awoke yesterday morning to reportedly find a drunken man peeing in their bathroom sink.

To the New York Post!

It turned out the man was staying in another apartment in the building at First Avenue and East 13th Street. He was too inebriated to find the right apartment when he got home.

The couple whose apartment the man invaded called 911. But after cops showed up, they thought better of pressing charges.

The Post referred to the sink pee-er as "the drunken hipster."

[Bathroom sink file photo; not involved in actual incident]


  1. What I wonder is how the man got into their apartment. Didn't they lock their door when they went to bed!??

  2. You're not in Kansas anymore, kids, learn to lock your doors. (That's where you turn the knob until you hear it click, okay?)

  3. I wonder how many such unreported incidents occur. I had a drink guy try coming into my apartment. He was attempting to with his own keys. I couldn't talk him into leaving, so had to call the police. Turned out that he lived two buildings down. He randomly buzzed a few apartments and someone let him in. Yes, lock your doors, but don't just buzz anyone into your lobby door!

  4. The Drunken Hipster's Weekend To Do List:

    Eat Biscuits.
    Enter the wrong apartment.
    Pee in a neigbor's bathroom sink.
    Get featured in the NY Post.
    Change hashtag to #DrunkenHipster.
    Get drunk.
    Eat more biscuits.
    Crash a roof rage party.
    Buy outfit for SantaCon.
    Get drunk.
    Eat more biscuits.
    Study for NYU midterms.
    Get drunk.

  5. Ken from Ken's KitchenNovember 3, 2013 at 11:45 AM

    He wandered into the right wrong apartment. Someone else might have pressed charges or hit him over the head with a baseball bat.

  6. This is most probably a drunken “Bro”, not a hipster. But labeling him as a drunken Bro would offend the NY Post Master of the Universe, Patrick Bateman, demo.

  7. @ Ken
    Got that right.
    Still, I wonder what the chances are that he would just happen to hit an apartment with an unlocked door. Or did he check all door knobs till he found one unlocked?
    If I close my door, whether inside or outside the apt, That bolt gets thrown.

  8. Does this mean this guy normally pees in his own sink? Or is he an air bnb renter, which is a reason to rethink having strangers rent your house, you never know where they will pee.

  9. I would have pressed charges and made the cops at least give him am appearance ticket. These assholes won't accept any accountability for their own stupid actions unless they get a swift kick in the ass when they f@@k up. Otherwise, this turns into a hilarious story to tell the other bro's the next time they get together.

  10. Giovanni's list nails it!

  11. It's not the fault of the inhabitants who didn't lock their doors. They should not have to lock their doors to prevent such behavior. It's a sign of illness in our society that we even take it as a given that we need to lock our doors.

    - East Villager

  12. November 3, 2013 at 12:18 PM has it right, NYU and hip are mutually exclusive. NYU are followers.


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