Some progress to report since we last checked in at 397-401 E. Eighth St., a stalled development for nearly nine years. Approved plans are in place for a nine-story residential building with a penthouse.
There has been activity at this lot at Avenue D.

And the plywood sports a rendering of the new building. Brace! And behold...

Akeeb Shekoni of Queens-based Akson Architect is listed as the architect... and the building's owners are the vague 399 E8 Development LLC.
Also, in closing, they are asking nicely now, so... no graffiti!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Meanwhile, before we christen Avenue D the next Greenpoint...
Stalled development site on Eighth Street and Avenue D asking $5.2 million
Long-stalled East 8th Street lot coming back as 9-story residential building — with penthouse
Ugh. Of course it looks like that. Why would it be designed with nuance and thought? Those days are over.
Another eyesore to blight the EV. And people thought this place was hideous when it was full of abandoned buildings? Trust me, that was preferable to this mindless, featureless, imagination-less shit we're being inundated with.
Bros…Biscuits…Banality. Welcome to the BBB.
I hear by nominate this building as ugliest new construction below 14th street, can I get a second?
Notice how the side has no windows - gives you an idea how long they think the building next door will remain standing until that penthouse has a taller neighbor banging on their wall.
And what's with the stairs to the sniper station on the roof? Is that turret on top entirely windowless?
Oliver Stone on NYC and NYU of the '60's and '70's.
"I had a horrible place on 9th Street. God, it was the pits! Between Avenue D and C, I think it was. I painted it red. I was insane. I painted it all red: ceilings, everything. Bright red. And I also got ripped off there about three or four times, by people coming in through the window and shit. It was insane. That was when the East Village was pretty nasty.
"For the most part, the experience was pretty grim and grimy. Some of the students had money. Most of them were living hand to mouth."
Oliver Stone? Really that is who you reference? Wow.
Lucie Gato
Just a compare and contrast of now and then. Sorry I did not reference you, Gato. Who would you rather referenced? David Schwimmer?
Okay 2:19 PM you got this kitty cat!! ;)))
Lucie Gato
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