Thursday, November 14, 2013

OK, who dropped the bag of whippets?

EVG reader Sam S. spotted these on East Fifth Street... We have them now in case you need to finish making the whipped cream for your sundaes, or pies or biscuits.


  1. We'd like to introduce you to our new side business, Weehawken Whippets!

  2. nygrump in internal exileNovember 14, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    hippy crack!

  3. What the…?
    Are those like "poppers"?
    I'm old.

  4. @ old anon 3:33!

    Poppers are alkyl nitrites. And whippets are nitrous oxide.

  5. I say whip it
    Whip it good
    I say whip it
    Whip it good

  6. Please give me back my nitrous oxide. Mama needs her medicine.


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