Sunday, December 15, 2013

SantaCon 2013 Fight Night

Some Santa-brawling action on Third Avenue and East 16th Street.

Here's another angle via Gothamist


  1. I think that was the first fight I've ever seen that was almost entirely sucker punches. Why are bros so tough right up until it comes time to square off? I hope all the Santa fight videos forwarded to Ms. Stetzer and the NYPD.

  2. Teeheee. I saw a guy "try" to hit another Santa and hit a lamp pole instead! Ouuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! The grape stomping woman came to mind!!!!

  3. DID THEY ALL DIE? NO!!!!??? AW SHIT!!!!!

  4. The video voice commentaries are just as bad. As if this is all good fun.

    - East Villager

  5. Can you say depraved indifference? The guy on the video says: "When you talk about a Santa fight, that's what you want."

    But not call 911? Not sympathize with the guys getting the crap beaten out of them and sucker-punched? Nope, just take a video, laugh about it, then upload it to ScrewYouTube so everyone else can enjoy someone else's bad day. Nice.

  6. Hello, single white female with dog who lives in this area since 14 years now and who DOES NOT condone violence. These MoFos can go to hell and back, a call to the NYFPD is a waste of time, let them sort it out themselves. Not only will it be a waste of precious resources (think Carbon foot print and nerves) but a useless excercise in " he started it, ditto, ditto, ditto". I can tell you that every single one of these Santas knows what its about going out that Saturday. They think they're given "Carte Blanche", how many times was my poor pitbull smacked on the head, I given a woohoo in my eardrums that still hurts and countless shoes destroyed by vomit and urin puddles everywhere? You participate in that "event" and you expect a fight. If i see a non-Santa person attacked, I will call the cops.... Of course. But these morons? No. Just stay the eff away next year, bro!

  7. Unrelated, but it looks like this bizarre display of dumbfuckery is taking place in front one of my favorite places. Joe's Junior. Great diner.

    Ok, carry on.

  8. I hope they all die of ass cancer, go back to the suburbs cocksuckers!

  9. This clip was on Fox 5 this morning, caught it as I was flipping channels.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Glenn,

    "Humor", I saw it on sale at the local Duane Reade.



  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I yelled at a lot of these fucks. Two of them got in a black car and I kept saying to the driver "drive those fuckin morons out of the city back to the suburbs" and they rolled down the window "park avenue bitch! suck my dick". it was just horrible this whole thing.

  14. How many great songs have lyrics about drunken brawls? Too many to count. You gotta pay your dues if you want to sing the blues.

  15. I hope these people are proud of themselves. The video has already gone viral and is on a few mainstream news outlet websites. Now the world gets to see firsthand what this 'event' is all about.

  16. Thanks Camera Guys!!
    I like it so much I had to put it on my site also, a lite news site.
    Just stopping in to read all the awesome comments here.

  17. That's just the Baddest thing I ever saw.

  18. I thought this was the type of behavior the old-timers missed?

  19. Oh don't be such a doorknob, shmnyc, this is not the kind of behavior that was common in the East Village 30 years ago, and if you had any kind of history in - and true knowledge of - the neighborhood, you would be aware of that fact.

  20. Seriously, junkies from the past could never muster that much energy. Have you seen someone nodding off?? That fighting is pure alcohol induced suburban anger in it's purest form.

  21. Oh right, there were no gang battles back then. I must be thinking of a different East Village. Besides, "Light violence is a small price to pay for some color in the neighborhood."

  22. Ugh, I clicked the Anonymous button by mistake. Anon 6:59 is me.

  23. The East Village was not West Side Story, hon. Gang battles are SO 1950s.


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