Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SantaCon organizers tweet helpful hints about being a good Santa (spoiler: 'No means no')

SantaCon is fast approaching (Saturday!) … and the SantaConning organizers have been taking to Twitter to remind participants of the proper decorum while staggering around dead-ass drunk enjoying the festivities.

The tweet advice included!



Helpful? We'll find out! The group is reportedly starting SantaCon this year in Tompkins Square Park at 10 a.m.

[H/T Eater]


  1. It's sad--and shows how bad the situation is--when you have to send out these kind of tips to attendees of your event. Why don't these people dress up as Santa, do volunteer work and make donations during the day and then celebrate with a beer? That would be more in the spirit of Christmas. There are plenty of people in the East Village who could use some help.

  2. Is this a joke? I can't wait for the sound bite from Susan Stetzer when she broadcasts live from the 13th Step, telling us what responsible young men the anonymous SantaCon organizers are. Bottoms up Susan!

  3. SantaCon is just a combination of alcoholic hooligans and binge drinkers who use their Santa outfits in order to become completely anonymous so that they can indulge in any kind of destructive and anti-social behavior they like without suffering any consequences. In other words, they are just like Wall Street investment bankers.

  4. we live in a rape culture, what do you expect? The feed of child rapes by US personell from Abu Grabh is still active if you know the right ISP.

  5. A better effective way of Santadouches not being able to puke, pee and harass residents, kids, bar staff and rapey is if they cancel this shitshow.

    Giovanni, they're not like Wall Street bankers, they ARE Wall Street bankers, in Santa Outfits.

  6. Yikes. That "no means no" tweet is disturbing. Someone who runs SantaCon thought it was funny to joke about rape? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

  7. Still no permit, right? Not needed? Not wanted? Not relevant?

    Why, Community Boards, NYPD, Mayor's Office, why no permit needed?

    I mean, this keeps being called an "event" by the organizers, how can it not require a Permit?

  8. Something bad will happen this year and it will be the end of SantaCon.

  9. The weather looks lousy for Saturday; maybe all the fun-loving participants will catch pneumonia.

  10. PS:

    Just went over to the contact form at the Mayor's Office website [ http://www.nyc.gov/html/static/pages/officeofthemayor/contact.shtml ] and posted the following:



    Topic: QOL
    Message: How can the anonymous organizers of SantaCon get away with staging this mess without a permit? They themselves call it an event. The city has declared public political protest to be an event needing a permit -- and has enforced that with the police. But, somehow, thousands of drunken idiots descending on our streets doesnt need a permit? Not from the Mayor nor the Community Boards nor the DOT nor the NYPD? Why on earth not?

  11. The worst part about SantaCon is that it doesn't culminate in a suicide pact.

  12. @ Anon @ 9:28 -- Why don't we institute death-match cage fighting for Santas? I'll get a couple of welders and all the steel we need. Maybe we can add some PCP to their booze, lock 'em in and not let anyone out.

  13. One can't help but ask how the city would respond if there were hordes of non-white people invading the streets, getting drunk and making a rowdy mess of the area.

  14. This is like CliffsNotes for SantaCon Dummies, which is actually quite appropriate since CliffsNotes were originally invented for just the kind of people who emerge from their cocoons, dress up like Santa Claus, and parade around drunk every year. SamtaConners are the human equivalent of cicadas, and just as annoying.

  15. I will continue to ask why a bunch of drunken assholes, who are now making jokes about rape, are allowed to descend upon neighborhoods without a permit and REMAIN ANONYMOUS.

    WHY is the mainstream media not trying to out these assholes? How hard would it be to identify who the fuck they really are? Stop protecting these dirtbags!

  16. Aren't these things one learns by the time they're 12?

  17. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 10, 2013 at 2:13 PM

    All that's gonna be had to remember after a few shots of ass juice.

  18. I've laughed at the Santa Coners the last few years but after the rape tweet I'm deeply concerned...

  19. Kickstarter for a keg at the East River? And then skinnydipping? Yay!

  20. Symptomatic of alcoholics, they don't get the joke is tired and the non drunks don't want them around. I'm ready to join a Temperance movement. But think of all the tax revenue the will generate!

  21. By tweeting those, the organizers of this douch-bro-con acknowledge that the event comprises of rapists, the rowdy, and recalcitrant adultlescents that they need to be reminded on how to behave.

  22. I don't understand why anyone would want to be part of this.

  23. I don't want to see a muted version, even though I am as opposed to this as anyone, I would rather like to see these people in all their ugly, unabashed, inconsiderate, uninteresting glory. Let 'em show all their cards, let us see what they're really all about. Not to wish any mayhem upon any neighborhood, my feeling is just that, it's going to be bad any which way you try to spin things. These weak half-hearted attempts to tame it do nothing but degrade everyone involved.

  24. Next up: the SantaCon "NO TWERKING" tweet!

  25. Did you see this piece on Gothamist? Two years ago one of their photographers covering the event was grabbed and kissed against her will by some drunk SantaCon participant dressed as a Christmas tree.


    Everyone in the neighborhood needs to be ready to protect anyone who is touched or harassed in any way by these pigs.

  26. If this were really a charity event their whole web and social media presence would have a completely different tone. They sound like a frat house.

  27. I'm echoing 9:26 AM from yesterday: Something bad will happen at Santacon this year.

    The biggest degenerates among them -- the ones responsible for the rape tweet, and the ones to whom such a thing is directed -- probably feel unstoppable right now. Why wouldn't they? They've been able to operate under total anonymity despite widespread public scrutiny and complaints, with the endorsement of holly-jolly assholes like Stetzer and Ray Kelly. Perceived invincibility + blackout drunkenness = recipe for disaster(s).

    This isn't going to end well, but god willing, it will end.


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