We were just poking around the apartment listings at Streeteasy, as we like to do. We spotted this new ad for a one-bedroom apartment at 103 Second Ave. Innocuous enough.
The photo caught our attention, though. The empty space is rather chilly looking, with that lonely ceiling fan.
But what is really chilly... and maybe scary! Who are those shadowy figures lurking in the other room?

Ghosts of Brokers past? Hard to capture much paranormal activity based on one photo. We need to see the clocks.
Oh no! I couldn't live there. I bet bodies will burst up through the floor!
That is not a Hunter-Lamp/Fan combo, but a Kilrilian Aura sensor picking up many volts of activity.
I see white people.
A realtor showed me this apartment and yes, bodies did come bursting through the floor! Luckily the ghost attendants escorted them out before their limbs fell off on me!
I've looked and looked and I see the arrows but I swear they're not pointing to anything. Absolutely blank. Thin air. THERE'S NOTHING THERE.
I'm eating licorice.
This perplexes me, since I am a long time resident at that address & know the lay-outs of every apartment, and that is not an apartment in my building. Plus, there are no empty apartments here now. Mysterious, indeed!
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