Friday, January 3, 2014

After Hercules

As you may have noticed, it snowed. Here are some photos of that snow…


Via EVG contributor Bobby Williams...


…and Derek Berg...


  1. Reached in Bermuda, Mike Bloomberg responded: "I get replaced by a Communist mayor and all of a sudden New Yorkers pretend they like being snowed in? When I was in office, they couldn't complain enough about it! Let's just see how much those ingrates like the cold weather when there aren't any helpful policemen around to gently massage them and get the circulation going!"

  2. Great shots, thanks Bobby and Derek.

    And thanks to Richard, poignant post. The little Grinch prick is truly gone. If he tried for a 4th term and if the Son of Sam and his demon dog ran against him, I'd vote for them.


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