Sunday, January 5, 2014

At the Mr. Lower East Side Pageant

Reverend Jen's 15th Annual Mr. Lower East Side Pageant took place Friday night at the Cake Shop on Ludlow Street… So much drama! Talent! Man meat! (That means chest and like abs, right?) Slum Goddess has many of the gory details and photos and video right here.

The two photos here are by EVG Facebook friend Walter Wlodarczyk. If you're on Facebook (or not), then you can find a whole lot more of his photos from Friday night here.


  1. Hard to see any man meat since the photos on her blog are unbelievably bad. I hope someone competent photo-documented this historic event.

  2. Don't worry Walter took some pro pics there. Much better than me drunk with my iPhone. You can google him and see all the scrote your heart desires.

  3. It really is the end times


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