Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Jerry Delakas is back inside his Astor Place newsstand

[Photo via Animal NY]

At 11:47 this morning, a locksmith let Jerry Delakas back into the newsstand outside the downtown 6 entrance on Astor Place that he has operated since 1987.

As we first reported on Dec. 10, the city shut down the newsstand for "operating illegally." Delakas never had the license transferred to his own name after the city blocked numerous attempts by the family who held the license to do so.

Yesterday, the city agreed to issue Delakas a license. One stipulation: He must pay a $9,000 fine over the course of the next year.

No word on exactly when he's going to start selling stuff again... but he's back.

Animal NY has more on this morning's events here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
City shutters Jerry's Newsstand on Astor Place for 'operating illegally'

The story about the city shutting down Jerry's Newsstand on Astor Place actually gets worse

More about saving Jerry's Newsstand

Helping Save Jerry

City says Jerry Delakas can operate Astor Place Newsstand

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