Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Last call for Revival on East 15th Street

Real-estate blogger Andrew Fine passes along word that Revival closed for business after service last night.

Apparently the owners of the bar on East 15th Street between Irving Place and Third Avenue are going to renovate the space and turn it into something "schmantzier."
Meanwhile, you still have Shades of Green next door.


  1. What a bummer. I loved that place. It was always quiet and easy to get a good seat. I guess that's why they are closing though.

  2. Any idea whatever happened to the Belmont Lounge, why it closed, and whether it's ever coming back?

  3. Was that the original 'Tramps' ? If yes, that was one of the great venues to hear R & B in the late 70s early 80s. Spent many a night there listening to some legendary performers like Johnny Copeland etc.

    1. Shades of Green @ 125 East 15th is original Tramps location next door to Revival

  4. Belmont closed??? Ugh.

  5. Remember that divey place that had a back entrance to Irving Plaza, and artists who played there would show up? It didn't even have a name, just a number, which I now forget of course. Now the space (as well as former Galaxy on the NW corner of 15th/Irving) is that Headless Horseman bar, and I have to admit it's very cool-looking but not the kind of place I'd ever go these days.

    Irving Place was slow to schmancy up, but it's definitely happened. Honestly, I think it was fancier and more upscale *before* the high-rise buildings and banker wankers showed up; it was old, old-school. Very sad, although it's still probably my favorite block.


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