Saturday, January 11, 2014

Looking at Swoon's bombed Hurricane Sandy-inspired mural on the Bowery wall

This happened back during the snowstorm on Jan. 2 into Jan. 3, as AnimalNY first pointed out… hadn't seen it ourselves… and wanted to note it as well…

Graffiti writer PIXOTE marked the wall some 30 feet above the mural back at the end of December.


  1. I've noticed that nearly all of the scrawl overtop the Chico mural across from my window were done in snowstorms over the years.

  2. Ken from Ken's KitchenJanuary 11, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    One of the really annoying things about stupid is how big and in your face stupid often likes to get.

  3. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.January 11, 2014 at 12:07 PM

    A public display of public art in-fighting. Love it.

  4. Too bad they didn't add something creative to this amazing mural rather than just hit it with crappy 70's balloon type tags.

    Not much going for them in the creative mad skillz department, I'm afraid.

    Is that all ya got, boyz?

  5. I'll cut the taggers some slack this time considering how public this location is.

  6. It's not like someone gave them a grant and a crane to create a master piece.

  7. @ 2:50 PM
    Excellent rationalization.
    I can tell you must be really, really smart.

  8. @5:06 The wall is located at busy intersection so they could only work for so long before either the cops drove by or one of the undercover anti graffiti ghost taxis busted them. They certainly didn't have the same amount of time Swoon did to create a mural, so, yes, it is a smart observation.

  9. Cultured white yuppie checking in here, and i want to say I love love love the graffitty. So urban, so vital and so expressive. Expressive of what, I may not know. But I know art when i see it and this is simply amazing!


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