Thursday, January 16, 2014

Today's hawk-vs.-squirrel confrontation doesn't go so well for one of the parties

Tompkins Square Park today … where squirrels continue to tempt fate by fucking with teasing the hawks… As Goggla has written, the hawks have "a no-tolerance policy when it comes to squirrels."


Photo by Bobby Williams


  1. don't say anything, but the people who feed the skwrls and the pijjins are really just fattening them up for the RTHawks!


  2. And people who feed other people are just fattening them up for the worms, so by that logic I guess we should shut down all the farms, grocery stores and restaurants because in the end we're just making more food for the maggots to eat, right? It's called the food chain and we are all part of it. Now everyone go have a nice big lunch and make the worms really happy.

  3. Hawks. Squirrels. Is this a metaphor to describe what is happening to the East Village?

  4. I was watching a hawk in a tree devouring a squirrel when Bernhard Goetz walked by. He spotted the hawk and asked me if it was eating a squirrel. I confirmed it was. He responded "I'm gonna have to get a gun and shoot that hawk". He ministers to the squirrels in Stuy Town/PCV.

  5. A little while ago IJanuary 17, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    Goetz is full of crap. And stupid for acting like such a tough guy. Has he learned nothing? Anyway, it's a Federal crime to kill a Red-tailed Hawk so good luck to him with that (see the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918).


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