Friday, February 7, 2014



  1. It's not just TSP, I'm seeing undiscarded poops everywhere since the snow came. I guess if its snowy and cold enough people stop giving a shit about picking up shits.

  2. Damn those people who make our sidewalks nasty and embarrass responsible dog owners. I think someone new moved in somewhere on my block, because for the past couple of months I've been seeing MASSIVE dog shits on E 6th & E 5th btw Ave A and Ave B, my dog walking route. Almost horse-level shit. Whoever that person and their huge dog are, they must have a similar walking route to mine.

    I dream that some day I'll catch them in the act, will grab that steamy pile of excrement and smear it all over the owner's face.

    Also recently caught an asshole throwing dog shit on a piece of newspaper into recycling bins! Great manners, to make poor building staff (or people collecting cans) smear themselves with dog shit as they try to make a living, because you didn't feel like throwing this into a regular trashcan.

  3. Maybe the Mayor will move stop-and-frisk funds to the enforcement of clean-up laws.

    Hahaha. Yeah, right… What a dream.

  4. there seems to be a certain crowd - they are all on their cell phones constantly - think that if it is cold or rainy or stormy then they don't have to pick up after their dog.

  5. I hate these motherfuckers and I ALWAYS call them out. When I see a dog shittin I lurk around as they faux search for a bag and think nobody's looking and the moment they walk away "Hey - you gonna clean that up? People live here" and usually they say they were on their way to get a bag cause they ran out. Fuckin yakoffs.

  6. ANON @ 3:11 You nailed it. They think no one sees then try to get away. My personal fave is the ones looking at their phone and act like oh I didn't notice. And you know what, don't get a dog if you can't be bothered walking it properly. People suck.

  7. I endlessly fill up the dog Poo bag holders on the gates of 9th Street Community Garden. They seem like they are being used cuz I refill them at least every 1-2 weeks. But without fail there is still poo on that sidewalk. Lazy! In any event its a great idea that the gardeners started and I ran with. I suggest more people make them. I put any bag that can be re purposed in there.

  8. What if the city passed the responsibility back on landlords by having sanitation ticket them in the same way they would if trash wasn't sorted properly? That way residents of buildings would be a bit more vigalent about it and more would call these irresponsible dog owners out on it.

    Or as anon 2:01 said...cops should randomly check to see if dog owners have bags on them. I own two dogs and always seem to have bags on me - even when I'm not walking them. I'm pretty quick to hand a bag over to ppl when they try to pull the "oh I just ran out and am going to loom for one" excuse


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