A furnished four-floor townhouse is now available to rent over at 327 E. 12th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.
Here's part of the Streeteasy listing:
You won’t find a more magical place than East 12th Street, an exquisite five bedroom, three bathroom townhouse with a private terrace in the East Village. Spanning four floors, this home is full of delightful details, including the vintage wallpapers and multi-coloured doorknobs that are sprightly backdrops to your tastemaker host’s beautiful, eclectically chic décor.
The price to enjoy these multi-coloured doorknobs: $40,000 a month.
Oh, and there is a ping-pong table.

About $15k over the norm.
If only I hadn't just used all my pennies for a down payment on Walter DeMaria's studio!
:-) props to the copywriter! :-)
...said the copywriter.
If someone wants to blow 40K on an apartment, they look for rentals at... Streeteasy?
"Multicoloured doorknobs" make it magical? I'd better get some fuckin' unicorns for my $40K.
Have to wonder about StreetEasy, as that townhouse is NOT at that address; in fact it's not even on that block between 1st & 2nd Avenues. It's on 12th between 2nd & 3rd Avenues, and the listing is here:
The owner rents it out during the summer months & over the holiday season. Maybe the merely "rich" (as opposed to "super-rich") need to make money from their houses to fund their vacations and/or second homes.
Only $40,000 a month? Nope, not according to onefinestay.com! They show the PER NIGHT cost in summer as $1,794, so a one-month stay (30 nights) will set someone back a total of $61,863.
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