Thursday, March 6, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[East 3rd Street, randomly]

Is Astor Place doomed? (The Village Voice)

Read Jeremiah's essay on hyper-gentrification (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A look at Stairs, the newish gay bar on East 2nd Street (The New York Times)

Salvation Army building on the Bowery will become … an Ace Hotel (BoweryBoogie)

Open Mic Mondays at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe (HuffPost)

The 13 best 'dive bars' in NYC (Gothamist)

A wonderful photo essay of Alex Musical Instruments (Gudrun Georges)

Richard Hell reads and answers questions at the the Powerhouse Arena bookstore in Dumbo (CMJ)

The tenement and alley cats of old New York (Ephemeral New York)

A story about the first-ever Ramones concert in Las Vegas (Las Vegas Weekly)

Revisiting "I'll Take New York" by Tom Waits from 1987 (Flaming Pablum)

... and check out some photos of The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black from Bowery Electric Sunday night via Walter Wlodarczyk ...


  1. I live in the building that Stairs calls home and can tell you that it's nothing but a nuisance so far... My neighbors have to ask them to turn down their (awful) music at least three times a night, their sign looks like a Microsoft Word wingding, and I think they're using the liquor license from the previous establishment which is illegal....

  2. Gratuitous Plug Alert: Richard Hell will be interviewed by local NYC historian/author Bryan Waterman, at the Strand, Thursday March 20th & 7 PM..

  3. In reference to Stairs - call 311 and forward the complaints to CB3. Attend the next 9th Precinct Council Meeting to raise your concerns. Contact Michael Jones at the New York State Liquor Auhority and ask them to investigate. This Stairs deal always sounded shady to me.

  4. I love that photo at the top of this post. Did you take it?


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