Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Report of a late-night fire at 145 Second Ave.

[Photo via Bonnie DeWitt]

A fire apparently broke out in the basement of 145 Second Ave. at East Ninth Street some time around 1 a.m., according to various social media reports. Starbucks occupies the corner storefront space.

The FDNY gave the all clear within 30 minutes.

[Photo via EVG reader Josh]

[Photo via EVG reader Josh]

[Photo via @Phillyupperdecker]

… and the scene from a little east on Ninth Street…

[Photo via @copyrapper]

There's also video, via Josh…

There's no word on injuries, cause or extent of the damage yet. In any event, it made for a nice photo opp!

Updated 7:45 a.m.
Starbucks is open for business this morning.


  1. They're doing work now in the basement of the building that's between Whiskers and Fivebucks.

  2. Hats off to the FDNY.

  3. I live there - supposedly it was gas related and they had to use foam to put it out but don't know much more beyond that.

  4. I hope it didnt wipe out Whiskers inventory too bad.. they store a ton of stuff down there.

  5. I live next door, no heat or hot water today. Was scary last night!

  6. Whiskers usually has cats for adoption in their store. Are they ok?

  7. The store / cats / merch are fine.


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