Yes. St. Mark's Place and Second Avenue this morning. With the stand intact, as the arrows helpfully point out.
EVG reader Andrew, who took the photo, asked if the prize would be given out in bitcoins.
No, it will not be given out in bitcoins.
Also, the ICTTSS wanted to recognize EVG readers Craig and Caelyn for spotting this beaut on April 7 (suspiciously) next door to the 9th Precinct on East Fifth Street...

Wow, so green!
No, Andrew. Your prize may not be given out in Bitcoins, but make no mistake, the extortionist kleptocrats at ICTTSS will expect to pocket their graft in Bitcoins -- all the easier to perpetrate that moneylaundering scam of a loophole that they dignify with the title Evidence Rule 901. Notice the slander (“suspiciously”) leveled at Craig and Caelyn. Reading between the lines, it seems Gruber MacDougal and his avaricious henchmen from Rego Park have ambitions to shake down the Ninth Precinct itself in their never-ending corrupt power grab. At long last, ICTTSS, have you no shame?
Andrew's right. Psychotic... but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
that tree looks so fresh! was it really as fresh as it looks?
Hah. I lived at 319 East 5th Street for 15 years, left in 2008 when the rent for the TINY studio was about to break $1,000. Left, as in left NYC. Many good times in that apartment and in the EV of 80's through early 00's. Sophie's. Mona's. Village Idiot (original location). Many quality and cheap dives back then.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Gruber MacDougal eats shit!"
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