Friday, April 4, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[A sign of spring in Tompkins Square Park...]

Author Cari Luna on the squatters of the East Village (Jacobin via The Lo-Down)

A look at the possible development for the former Billy’s Antiques space on East Houston (BoweryBoogie)

Yet another push for Beastie Boys Square on the LES (DNAinfo)

A look inside the former Domino Sugar Factory (Curbed)

What tickets for the rides at Coney Island looked like 100 years ago (Amusing the Zillion)

Details about a memorial to honor Rene Ricard (Hotel Chelsea Blog)

Rough Trade NYC is hosting an interactive LCD Soundsystem gallery (East Village Radio)

$6 million in upgrades at the "dirty and dangerous" Aqueduct Racetrack (The Wall Street Journal)

And the Times has a feature on Jim Jarmusch:

Though he misses the wildness of those days (in the SoHo of the late ’70s, “I looked out my window at about 3:30 a.m., and I saw a man walking a llama down Prince Street”), “I’m not nostalgic,” he said. “Because New York’s only about change and conning everybody out of whatever they have. That’s just what New York is.”


... and via the EVG inbox... the Ruff Club at 34 Avenue A is hosting fundraiser this Sunday to benefit Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue ...

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