[Photo by William Klayman]
Wow. Here's the line early this afternoon for East Village Meat Market on Second Avenue... where everyone is stocking up for Easter...
The Times featured the shop in the City Room yesterday...
The weeks before Easter are now the market’s busiest time of year, as this vestige of the old community continues to draw customers, many who once lived nearby, or who worshiped at St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church. Long departed from the neighborhood, they, or their families, now travel hours to shop for holiday fare they say is difficult to find elsewhere.
"shop for holiday fare they say is difficult to find elsewhere."
I'm so curious as to what that would be?
Kielbasa mainly
Their ham is tits!
I still miss Kurowycky on First Avenue. It is hard to believe that it has been gone for almost seven years now. Loved their kielbasa!
And not a Cronut in sight!
3:06 PM Even though he owned the building, the guy still couldn't keep it going just on Xmas/Easter sales. Not enough people cook at home any more, or buy meat from a butcher year 'round. We are extremely lucky we still have EV Meat Market. And their kielbasa is great too!
""shop for holiday fare they say is difficult to find elsewhere."
I'm so curious as to what that would be?""
its is utopia of ham
their beer sausage is tasty as well and they have great prepared foods too.
7 years?! getouttahere! Can't be more than 3, maybe 4 years, tops. Right?? Please… I'm starting to feel like Rip Van Winkle.
Maybe if people shopped there more than once or twice a year, it would be doing better than it does. If this place goes the way of Kurowycky, I will starve. Twice a week shopper: it's all good...ham, soppressata, steak, chicken, ground beef, chicken salad, cheese, roast turkey, pork chops...nice rotation. I haven't bought meat in a supermarket since this place opened, and before that it was Kurowycky and another tiny long-gone kosher butcher place on First where China Star now is, I think.
Good prices on many items, box juices, mustard, beets, kraut, etc.
Great candy and mints too.
PLUS who can resist a 1/2 pint of fresh cole slaw?!
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