Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Bowery Workout

An EVG reader shared this photo and report from today on the Bowery between East Third Street and East Fourth Street…

"A group of people dressed in camouflage fatigues (mostly men) walking in a group led by a huge American flag ... then they all dropped to the ground and started lifting their backpacks and doing sit-ups(?) as someone counted 50 reps…"


  1. Could this be the next thing to replace spinning class? I prefer the fatigues (which is a more fitting name for exercise clothes) over those black yoga pants that young women wear EVERYWHERE.

  2. Cool the Sleep on the Streets with a Vetran Boot Camp is here. Keepin it real they are.

  3. Those are MOLLE bags and that's ACU camo, so they either are real soldiers or really good wannabes.

  4. BDU's make some fantastic shorts. Just sayin'

  5. Nationalism and war are barbaric.


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