That's it for This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef. The Marshal came calling yesterday, taking possession of the four-plus-year-old restaurant known for mixing beef and Cheese Whiz at 149 First Ave.
There's also a for rent sign in the front window.

The saga here began on March 12 when the city closed the sandwich shop, run by the team behind Artichoke Basille, "for operating without a permit."
A handwritten note appeared a few days later explaining that the restaurant "forgot to renew" its permit. The note mentioned that they would reopen.
To date on this two-block span of First Avenue, we're now down two quick-serve sandwich places. JoeDough closed at 135 First Ave. in February. The proprietors plan to use the space for their catering operation. At the same time, though, Schnitz has opened at East 11th Street.
Big piggy bummer! The Popeye Way roast beef and spinach was my fav!
Note that bodegas serving days-old cold cuts on stale rolls never seem to go out-of-business on First Avenue, but anyone who tries to make a sandwich for human beings (and I must admit that JoeDough met that goal much better than this place) gets put out of business eventually.
It's a matter of principle, not taste. Some bodegas (though not on this stretch of road) can make a pretty mean sandwich. But the idea is that NYC's food scene is starting to rapidly cleave between extremely low-end options, glorified news stands where most of the product is shelf-stable or godawfully marked up... or high end operations, two stars and up. Where precisely do you go on First Avenue to get something that isn't complete junk food, isn't a major ripoff, and doesn't require a sit-down meal? (I am sure suggestions are forthcoming but this is a very dense neighborhood, Veselka and San Loco can't serve everybody. And BTW San Loco isn't even good. Try Pinche Taqueria on Lafayette sometime and then let me know how San Loco tastes after that...)
Neptune FTW, and their garden is great as soon as it gets warm.
Also Tompkins Square Bagels is good if you can walk all the way over to Avenue A, or take a CitiBike before they go under...
meh. i got food poinoning there once.
Where non First Avenue? Sabor A Mexico Taqueria and Neptune.
Who cares
Artichoke is overrated, NEWBIES wait on line for a SLICE?..IN NYC?..Go to RUSSO'S and get a REAL SANDWICH....
Russo's rules
anon 1:34 PM
Yeah, getting food poisoning will wreck any idea of EVER going back to that establishment. Sadly, it can happen anywhere and everywhere. Going out to eat is a crap shoot.
I still Love Neptune!!!!
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