Friday, May 2, 2014

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Mud ball in Tompkins Square Park. Photo by Grant Shaffer]

CB3 Chair Gigi Li's leadership appointments criticized (The Lo-Down)

Penny Arcade on saving the soul of NYC (Off the Grid)

Know your Tompkins Square Park hawks (Gog in NYC)

Remembering the Astor Place riot (The Bowery Boys)

NYC's sweetness trend continues (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

A new grilled cheese shop for the LES (BoweryBoogie)

Crif Dogs looking to expand to MacDougal Street (Eater)

101 things to live about NYC ... in 1976 (Scouting New York)

... and from EVG regular nygrump ... two photos from yesterday's International Workers' Day march/rally down Second Avenue ...

... as nygrump notes that this next photo "shows normal cars driving pass because NYPD is obsessed with mantaining an open lane for regular traffic to go down. There is only one reason for this and that is to reduce the impact of the parade. It is not for safety. Letting cars a couple feet from marching people is not safety. It doesn't help traffic from being backed up."


and another shot via EVG regular peter radley...


  1. "shows normal cars driving pass because NYPD is obsessed with mantaining an open lane for regular traffic to go down. There is only one reason for this and that is to reduce the impact of the parade."

    There was TONS of traffic downtown yesterday during the parade, I think having one lane open at least alleviated a little bit of it. Better than stopping all traffic completely on 2nd ave at least. It sounds like the NYPD was at least trying to make it work for both the parade participants as well as drivers who had nothing to do with the parade

  2. What other parade has traffic passing along side it?

  3. I went by Union SQ yesterday and immediately say signs that warmed my liberal heart regarding living wage and raising the minimum wage. 20 feet later I saw idiots with flags from the former Soviet Union, it only takes a few to undermine a good rally.

  4. What shmnyc said. Try this at the Puerto Rican Day parade or the St. Paddy's Day parade.

  5. It wasn't a parade; it was a march/rally/protest.

  6. I guess you can call it a "parade" if you want; it's a "march".

  7. Most of the vehicle drivers were celebrating " International Workers Day" by working.

  8. It's a MARADE !


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