[Via image the CB3 website]
Tonight's CB3 Transportation & Public Safety/Environment Committee meeting includes a proposal for a Hampton Jitney stop at 177 Second Ave. near East 11th Street.
According to the proposal (PDF!), there will be three drop offs during the summer: 7:34 a.m. on Monday, 3:19 p.m. on Friday and 9:04 p.m. on Sunday. (Depending on the traffic, add up to three hours to these times.)
While we haven't heard anything about this application (hey, when are we getting a heliport anyway?), there is opposition to other items on tonight's committee agenda — specifically with new permits for Chinatown bus companies, as The Lo-Down reports here.
The meeting starts at 6:30 in the University Settlement at Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery.
It looks like commuting between the Hamptons and the EV is really exploding. Has anyone else noticed all the cars in the EV with parking sticker permits for the Hamptons?
How is it that people can go from white sand beaches and white sand people one day, to the black tar pits and bodegas of Avenue D the next?
I can remember when people who summered in the Hamptons lived on Sutton Place and Park Avenue. I can also remember a time when people from the EV said they were going to the beach, that meant they were going to Coney Island.
It's about time. My chauffeur gets the weekend off.
This is great news. Shuttle those douchebags out of the EV every weekend.
More woo for the Hamptons.
Douches, please take your jitneys elsewhere.
Great they can hot bench on crusty row for the summer...
There was a time when the Village Voice was full of summer shares for the East End and it was considered normal to be out there or in Fire Island on summer weekends. One can dream. I never go out to the beach in the summer because the lengthy bus/trains back just ruin the day.
Life is good.. grab a biscuit and then get picked up in front of my condo!
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