There's a $2,000 reward for any information about the assault that took place Friday night on East Sixth Street near Avenue D … that left a 68-year-old man in critical condition.
According to the NYPD, the victim was walking on East Sixth Street when an unknown suspect approached and started yelling at him. The suspect grabbed the victim and threw him on the ground. The suspect then began punching and kicking the victim in the head.
It was unclear what prompted the attack … or if the two men knew each other.
Anyone with information about the attack can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Meanwhile, an anonymous reader shared the full surveillance tape of the incident … (warning: the graphic video shows the attack and the aftermath of the victim lying on the sidewalk). The victim enters the video at the 17-second mark.
Updated 8:12 p.m.
NBC 4 reports that the victim, Ruan Wen Hui, has died from the injuries sustained in the attack.
"The guy didn’t even take money or anything. It was just stupid violence," one resident told CBS New York.
This is SO upsetting to watch. It's also sad that you see the people walking away and turn around as it's happening and don't appear to get help and then many people walking by notice him on the ground but keep going as they would for any homeless person. Really infuriating and I really really hope they get the bastard who did this.
My god, it took an awful LNG time for anyone to notice him lying there or call for help.
I am stunned that woman didn't do anything to help. We can't expect men to step in and help us and then do nothing when we see a man being attacked.
Exactly where on 6th did this happen?
wow that's beyond a assault, that's attempted murder
It happened at 745 east 6th.
That indifference is East Village 2014 for ya. Pathetic.
Where were the beat cop around there? What's with cops not walking the beat nowadays? I've been in that neighborhood countless times over the years and I've never seen a beat cop ever.
Seriously I pin attacks like these on cops. If they were out there more and not just in their safe cars and precincts maybe shit like this would happen less. They have ZERO presence in the EV yet I saw tons of them in so-called "Hell Square" being nothing more than glorified campus police and not even as the cops of "Campus P.D." arrests more drunken idiots than them.
This is horrific. I ask myself what I would have done. To see so many people go by and do nothing, makes me wonder whether to a casual passerby, this guy looked like just another drunk/junkie, passed out, and possibly homeless. I can't imagine that many people would pass him by, knowing that he was hurt, when a simple call to 911 was all that was needed. It has definitely educated me. I will take a closer look next tim I see someone lying like this on a sidewalk.
And I hope when they catch the animal who did this, that they put him away for a long time. And I have no doubt they will catch him. This guy acts with the conviction of a local. Somebody will recognize him from this footage.
In the past this elderly man's family would have found this thug and taken care of business by now, it's not that hard to ID a local once you have a photo. Either no one is talking to the cops out of fear of a local gang member, or this guy is already lying face down in the bushes in East River Park Either way they need to find him and lock him up in Rikers before he does it again. The guy obviously has serious anger management problems, among other things.
Beat-cop? You serious?
There haven't been beat-cops since the entire restructuring of police dept., 9/11 2001
The beat cops disappeared long before 9/11, In fact it happened in the 1960s because of some corruption scandals, which were exposed by Frank Serpico, an honest cop. Beat cops were targeting small shops and bodegas for shake downs, and then accepting bribes to go away. There was a big investigation and commission report, which ended cops walking the beat. They started driving around in patrol cars, and leaving them only for lunch, to go to a Dunkin' Donuts, the end of a shift, and the occasional (yawn) arrest.
The cops (and their union enabler) like this because it makes their lives easier.
Cops on the beat would bring down crime, but who cares about that?
Certainly not the cops and their union.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
I wonder how many of the folks taking the opportunity to complain about the police are the same liberals that ensure that if the perp IS caught, he will get a light sentence, some " anger management" classes, and soon be out to perpetrate round 2 on the next unfortunate victim.
And God forbid if some CO looks at him the wrong way or says something inappropriate while he is in lockdown.
Do you ever notice than when they do grab one of these skells he always turns out to have a dozen or so previous arrests, at least of a few of them serious and violent? What's that all about?
It's now a murder investigation. CBS News just reported 68 year old Mr. Ruan Wen Hui did not survive his injuries. The police believe the suspect lives in the neighborhood. Someone better find him before I do.
I'm guessing the killer lives in one of the welfare projects along Ave. D.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
WOW. And I got all incensed when that dumb-ass film crew made the old lady with the walker cross the street.
Given the opportunity,
Anyone in????
What a bunch of tough guys.
Next time try voting for someone other than the Democrats who keep putting these guys back out on the streets.
WTF are you talking about "no beat cops"? I've seen cops walking around thus walking the beat hence "beat cops". I just haven't seen them walk the East Village.
Or are they just glorified paramedics at crime scenes only they don't do any actual work like the paramedics do? Yep. Seriously, a man is shot, the paramedics come and try to save the man's life. A Ninth Precinct cop? Stands there with his thumb up his ass. Why? Cuz he wasn't walking the streets thus making it less likely a shooting occurs because most criminals don't commit crime in the presence of a cop or if they know they're out there walking the beat.
I really hope this low-life coward gets caught.
Goddam what a scumbag!
Anon 1:46PM: Where are the beat cops? "Comstat" - google it.
It is a hate crime on Asians. It is worse when they pick on elderly. Cops always assume, the suspect lives around the area. People should ask what more have police done to catch this criminal/murderer. I got attacked, and since i survive without injury, the police closed the case instantly... sad really. This could have been my father.
the 'beat cop' was comfortably at home in Suffolk county
Looking at the way he was yelling at the victim, I bet this was over something asinine like accidentally stepping on the perp's sneakers, which the victim probably didn't even realize. Anger issues combined with a defenseless old man, gave the perp an opportunity to just let it all out... Sad, very sad... I can't even begin to think what this family is going through. Whoever knows this guy and not coming forward is just as guilty as he is.
There are cops walking around from time to time, but they are usually traffic cops with different uniforms (their caps have white colors). I saw a two a month ago, and asked them to ticket an illegally parked motor bike, which they did. It was on the sidewalk.
There are no regular beat cops.
Bill the libertarian anarchist
I live on Avenue D (right on this corner) and I assure you that there are cops everywhere all the time. Marked cars, unmarked cars, vans, walking around, etc.
Anon 9:24 (just before me). My reply to your comment: "Not this time."
Obviously "not this time," but my point is that it is wrong to generalize and say things like "I blame this on the cops" and "there's no such thing as beat cops anymore" -- both of which were earlier comments.
I pass by that corner almost every day, riding from East River Park to cut across 6th Street, and I can't remember the last time I saw a cop walking over there. You see them just driving by but even that is rare, even though the precinct is just a couple of blocks away.
DeBlasio really needs to bring back community policing, which disappeared during the fiscal crisis in the 70s. Also people need to go buy better hi def and low light security cams, most of thes pictures are useless unless you already know who the person is.
I live on Avenue D my whole life for 44 years, and back in the days there were beat cops everywhere, especially in the summer. Now not so much. I also question why. Anyone that lives on Avenue D knows that once it gets warm outside it gets hectic. I've also noticed a decline of cops walking the Ave over the years.
The police can't be everywhere all the time.
More often then not, when you need them they are minutes away.
If this man had the right to conceal carry he might of had a chance, but the politicians in NY believe that the predator has the right to beat you up and/or take your stuff. You can't use deadly force to protect yourself unless you're threatened with deadly force. And, even if that's the case your criminalized for carrying.
The criminal has the support of politicians to tee-off on you first and you must be the mind-reader determining if the attacker is just going to take your stuff or just beat you, or beat you to a pulp leaving you with life-long damage or beat you to death.
That's the opposite of what it should be. It should be the case that when you are approached by a guy like this and you make it clear you feel threatened, and the attacker continues to threaten you, you have the right to protect yourself up to deadly force even though the attacker has not yet threatened you with same.
If you review the tape carefully it appears the elderly man tried to use a cain to fend off the much larger and stronger attacker. He didn't have a chance.
Had he been allowed to protect himself with a gun and trained or had the woman with the boy who ignored the whole thing been armed, it's likely the attacker would be dead.
People need to wake up. When you really need a cop, rarely will he or she be there in time.
Cops on the ave are jerks. And most them just like to be in the wrong business. When they can be doing better Shi* and catch real criminals. Btw this asshole who killed this man can easily be caught .. get on top of your job's and stop harassing people with no probable cause.
He was still moving after the attack, i honestly don't even think we can count on the 'police' nowadays, my prayers goes out to him and his family
I agree, im from this area and we're asian. my father was walking home after work, a guy also came behind him and attacked him, he was bleeding horribly. Mind that there are cameras on the streets just like how there is here, but the police didn't bother checking, and sadly didnt do anything about it and closed the case.
In many cases the quality of the camera image is inadequate to positively identify the identity of the assailant.
The photos in this attack are a good example of that. Granted the body shape and shirt of the attacker is a good identify, you can bet the public defender is going to say you can not facially recognize the suspect if a suspect is ever apprehended.
See how it works? Do not allow citizens to protect themselves and then when they do become victims all the sudden the "exactitudes" of law matter and must be followed and the family is victimized all over again.
There is nothing I can as to assuage the terrible loss of this family. Evidently, the murdered father raised three daughters and was simply coming home after dropping off his granddaughter.
Sadly, as fate would have it he crossed paths with this animal.
And, the really sad thing is one, this sort of thing happens all the time in our large cities destroyed by the policies of politicians who treat citizens like they are incapable of taking care of themselves and coddle to a non-productive victim hood class of many ethnicities.
It's also very sad and an indictment on NYC that people don't want to get involved and people laying in the streets is not uncommon.
Citizens must fight back. NOBODY is going to take care of you like YOU.
Fight for the right to protect yourselves and other good people.
It is better we fight on our feet then on our knees.
Why are the cops who arrive at end of tape doing nothing? Why aren't they helping him?
Someone has already been arrested:
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