It appears that last night's storm brought down the tarp protecting the new sign at the former 7A space... revealing that the new place will be called Miss Lily's 7A Cafe here on East Seventh Street and Avenue A ...

Various EVG tipsters told us previously that the place will be the second outpost of restauranteur Paul Salmon's Miss Lily's along with a Melvin's Juice Box.
A rep told Eater last month that the new place will "pay homage to the cafe history of 7A," but it will also have "elements of Melvin's Juice Box and Miss Lily's."
Looks pretty accurate by the look of the new signage.
7A closed after nearly 30 years on Jan. 26.
H/T @derbyon
Previously on EV Grieve:
Some part of 7A will stay in the new 7A's name
Details emerge about what's next for former the 7A, Odessa Cafe & Bar spaces
[Updated] Reader report: 7A will close at the end of the month
Renovations underway at former 7A space
[Updated] Rumors: 7A space will become a 2nd outpost of Miss Lily's and Melvin's Juice Box
I'm eyeing this place, if it succeeds it will be cloned immediately bringing yet more drinking and woos into the neighborhood.
I at least love the sign. That's a classic looking East Village sign right there, son. Hopefully the cafe follows that formula.
I respect Anon. 8:55's opinion, but me, I don't love the sign, think it looks like crap. And what's with the Rasta flag in it?
Yeah. The sign just sings more EV Crap. I want outahere. I really do. The only thing left here is the old shit that I've always hated here. (no place is ever perfect), and the new stuff that I've always hated. That's it. Even the newer stuff that I've liked is getting moved out.
The same guy has another restaurant in West Houston but there he only got a Beer /wine license because he usually opens a restaurant as a front for a lounge/nightclub. So be ready east village kids!
It's a Jamaican themed restaurant, hence the flag.
It's a Jamaican restaurant.
Is anyone associated with this restaurant actually Jamaican? I mean aside from some beautiful Jamaican girl working the door or a handsome Jamaican man tending bar?
Jamaican themed restaurant how 90's.
I like the sign, plus it won't blind the pilots of incoming airplanes like the giant red neon sign at the now dead Pulino's. Is the theme Jamaica-Jamaica, or Jamaica, Queens? I sure hope it's not a reincarnation of Sugar Reef, which was an original BroHo hangout. If they serve a nice Veggie Roti, with curried potatoes and peas, side dishes like ackee, and sorrel-laced drinks then I will give them a try.
Eeeek! The crowd at Miss Lily's on the west side is the worst. A bunch of pretentious fellas. Are they bringing them here to East Village?
Gah, no thanks.
New York’s hottest club is: Eeeek!
Description: Owner has gone all out here.
Rum infused kale, ramp, ginger, quinoa, kombucha, nants ingonyama bagithi baba sithi uhm ingonyama cocktail served in coconut and pineapple shells.
This place has everything: jerk chicken; jerks; White fratbros playing barrel pong. Jamshaws!
Jamshaw? -- white Carrie Bradshaw wannabes walking in 6-inch stilletto heels wearing dreadlock extensions made up of cannabis.
miss lily's is a pretty respectable joint. it's cool but not really pretentious. though the caribbean food is a bit overpriced, the quality is ace and there are no other places in the ev (as far as i know) where you can get a roti, double or whatever.
their location on houston also has a record store and they have dope reggae podcasts, as well.
nyu kids won't like this. it's often filled with regular folks and seldom hipsters. more rastas and what not.
@Giovanni - what the hell are you some sort of trust-fund baby? Have you seen the price of akee recently? Seriously.
doubles and rote are more Trinidadian cuisine. Anyways, are any of the owners actually Jamaican?
Chef's wife is Jamaican, and so is Melvin the juice guy.
Owner is Australian and he owns a boutique hotel in Negril and also Joes Pub. I tried to go to Miss Lilys without a reservation at 6:00 on a Tuesday and couldn't get seated, they said something like a 2 hour wait. But if I was younger or hipper or arrived in a town car I bet I would've been seated right away.
So what you're saying 4:10 is one person in this whole operation, Melvin the juice man, is from Jamaica.
Lots of haters in this thread. Oh well, best of luck to the new neighbors.
You know where using "haters" makes sense? In Justin Bieberville. Not the EV. Either refute the criticism here you disagree with or offer a positive opinion of your own, but calling people haters makes you super-moronically sound like you belong on some reality show. The I'm-not-a-PR-person PR people are way better than you, frankly -- at least they have vocabulary.
Look, I'm a white person who likes Jamaican culture, too. I love my roots reggae and my ital cooking and I'm not really criticizing these white folks for bringing Jamaica to the EV, just laughing at it. I look forward to a Jamaican restaurant in the EV since Daphne's on 14th closed like 10 years ago but I'm also hoping they're not scenester assholes.
tl;dr: Get over yourselves, fanboys; nothing on the EV happens without comment.
Daphne's on 14th St. used to have a great Veggie Roti, so so much for it not being really "Jamaican." I also had great roti (with nice a cold Red Stripe) in Negril and in Montego Bay (which happen to be in in Jamaica) and it was as good as any Trinidadian roti I've ever had, plus the Jamaican version tends to be more spicy.
So I looked up Miss Lily's menu and I see they have some of my favorite Jamaican dishes:
Ackee Dip & Plantain Chips $12.00
Curried Vegetable Roti caribbean wrap, blue
mountain curry veggie stew 16.00
Sorrel 6.00
Save me a table, I'm there.
@3:08 = Hater hater.
@2:22 = Hater hater hater.
Giovanni, love you but Jamaican food is classically vegan because of ital. I may be misunderstanding your comment, but Rastafarians are usually vegetarians.
The “Haters” line needs to join “If you don’t like___move to”, “Get a grip”, and ”Get a life”, etc., and move over to the Recycle Bin. These are flyover state, transient BS hick lines and they don’t belong in the EV.
When it opens, we will all see soon enough whether its a real place or a starfucker place.
Wow. These comments! Why so many haters? I have been going to Negril several times a year for over ten years. The owners involved with Miss Lily's & Joe's pub are also owners of the Rockhouse hotel and they run the Rockhouse Foundation… which has donated MILLIONS of dollars to building much needed school facilities & libraries, donating school books and computers, and has provided many needed services to the people of Jamaica. They also bring some classic Jamaican cuisine to trendier settings in NYC, which I do not personally think is a bad thing. Is it so bad if they are slightly overpriced if you know the profits go to good causes? Also, BTW to whoever said Jamaican food is only Ital/vegetarian, that is an extremely narrow-minded, ignorant thing to say. The entire island is not made of Rastas, contrary to commercialized / popular belief. The majority of people do eat meat, and in fact a curried goat is pretty standard for any big celebration. Everyone should relax and give it a try instead of hating from their computers!
The good thing about not being able to even remotely consider eating at any of the new places because of the prices is that I JUST DON't CARE.
Just keep the liquor store and KeyFood open and I am livin large, well large enough anyway.
3:55 Wow! These comments! That I didn't actually bother to read or I wouldn't have said "haters"!
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