Thursday, June 12, 2014

On the market: Jennifer Convertibles closing on 3rd Avenue

The store closing sale continues at Jennifer Convertibles at 111 Third Ave. between East 13th Street and East 14th Street…

The 2,700-square-foot space has been on the market since March … According to the listing, possession of the furniture/sofa chain is July while the rent is upon request. The listing also notes that this location is "surrounded by NYU and new luxury residential developments."


  1. Maybe we can get a Capitol Two bank to form and take this huge store

  2. Its official Jennifer does not sell luxury furniture will Raymor and Flangan also be soon to exist this high rent high tuition neighborhood uncommonly known as the "northwest" east village.

  3. I am praying for a Chanel, Gucci, or Prada store which sells book bags for the back to school season.

  4. High-rent tuition kids do not buy luxury furniture. They buy shit at Ikea and throw it all away at the end of each semester, then buy it new again the next.

    And I'm convinced that people living in these new, fugly glass towers don't buy luxury furniture either. Hell, half the people in that glass shitshow across the street at 13th and 3rd seem to have bedsheets hung across their windows.

  5. @ Anon 10:47- I'm pretty sure they have a high threadcount!


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