Friday, June 13, 2014

Report: Retired detective leaves gun behind after throwing up in The Phoenix

[EVG file photo of the Phoenix]

In an "exclusive" today, the Post reports that former NYPD Detective Eric Reynolds left his Colt. 38 behind after drinking for six hours at the Phoenix on East 13th Street.


Reynolds placed his cellphone and pistol on the sink while worshipping the porcelain god, picking the phone back up only when he took off at around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, the sources said.

He and a buddy had made it all the way to Union Square when Reynolds patted his gun holster and realized his epic mistake.

The NYPD is checking surveillance video to find who may have taken the misplaced gun.

According to an unnamed owner of The Phoenix:

“We all make mistakes. Maybe he had been drinking. He made a mistake,” said the woman, who would not give her name. “Maybe he shouldn’t have brought a gun with him.”

The Post also sent a reporter to Reynolds' home, and note that he "answered the door with his Chihuahua and declined to comment."


  1. Why is a retired NYPD detective carrying around a gun?

  2. Leaving a cell phone on the shitter is a "mistake". Leaving a pistol is inexcusable and potentially deadly. Big difference there.

  3. an NYC ex-detective should be able to carry a defensive weapon after a career based on bringing down dangerous scumbags. But this is dumb. If he'd been smoking crack for 6 hours or shooting dope for 6 hours or smoking cannabis oil for 6 hours it would be a whole different news story, but booze is ok.

  4. Why did he bring his gun to a bar?

    Rhetorical, don't try to answer that. There is no logical answer.

  5. So a random person now has his gun? You must be f**king kidding me.

  6. I say b.s. for a couple of reasons. 1. Many, sorry *most* off duty's carry, but rarely use a holster. They stuff it in their pants like a common gangster. It's rather sad. You see "mistaken" left behind guns quite a bit, but they are always on the back of the toilet, rarely the sink. Especially at the Phoenix where there are tons of toilets and just a few sinks. 2. If you walk all the way over to the sink to get your phone, you would grab the gun too. I'm betting he lost the gun before that OR there's something else to the story because this version makes no sense.

  7. Anyone else taking a gun into a bar in the People's Republic of NY would have been arrested, I assume.
    Re: gun carry, the same laws that apply to non-cops ("civilians") should apply to retired cops.

    Bill the libertarian anarchist

  8. A retired NYPD detective has every right to carry a gun if he is also carrying a permit to have a concealed weapon on his person. On another subject mentioned, comparing smoking crack or shooting dope with smoking weed is a BIT extreme. Hope they find the gun unused.

  9. Well, nygrump - all of those other things are illegal, whereas drinking isn't. And the story has already been picked up by most NY news sources.

  10. Good PR for the Phoenix, maybe some people in the line at Shack Shack will head over after eating their truffle burgers.

  11. Thank Gawd he didn't leave his attack-chihuahua behind.

  12. C'mon, we've all done dumber shit than that at the Phoenix! No? Just me?

  13. Also, it's rather amazing to me that the NYPost of all places didn't loudly identify the Phoenix as a gay bar. I mean it's very straight-friendly, but this is the Post we're talking about.

  14. Was that retired or more politically correct mentally challenged former detective? Which precinct was it that he served in anyway? It may narrow the reasons why to know that

  15. Give the guy a break. He must feel terrible about it

  16. As much as I'd like to give the guy a break, he of all people should know better.
    If you feel the need to drink yourself blind you SHOULD NOT be carrying something that will most likely be used against you and now can be used by any criminal against anyone.
    And why take your gun off its holster to puke? ...and then forget it? Just how drunk do you have to be to this; might as well been high on anything else.

  17. if this was Texas, they would give him a parade.

  18. Anonymous daho said...
    Why is a retired NYPD detective carrying around a gun?

    Even worse, why is a retired NYPD detective carrying a chihuahua?


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