Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Films in Tompkins series returns tomorrow night with 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High'

As we noted a few weeks ago, the Films in Tompkins series would return this summer, though sligtly later than usual.

The organizers have just released the roster, starting with "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" tomorrow night...

[Click on image for more details]

The series ends Aug. 14 with "Midnight Cowboy."

We originally heard that "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" would be on the bill. Unfortunately, the organizers were unable to secure a copy of the film from the distributor, we heard.

Anyway! Gates open at 6 p.m. and the films will start at sundown.


  1. I think I just came... didn't you feel it?

    -When a guy has an orgasm, how much comes out?
    -A quart or so.

    No shirts, no shoes, no dice (so don't be truant or come at all.

    Speaking of coming, will Miss Miss Lily's sponsor the showing of The Harder They Come?

  2. Boulton & Watt is a sponsor, Now the dooshbros will come.

  3. Labyrinth! David Bowie's Area on a large outdoor screen! The heart rejoices. Yay Goblin King! I am so there...

  4. For once a somewhat dark roster of movies. I'm shocked there isn't any kiddie/G movie fare.

    Midnight Cowboy hmmm so we'll finally see Jon Voight bang would could possibly be the first Hollywood movie MILF who visibly got fucked onscreen (Vera Myles) as Mrs.Robinson fucking Benjamin was off-screen.

    No trust fund checks coming for Voight or Hoffman in this. The OG couple of brokeass NY niggas.



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