Tuesday, July 15, 2014



  1. RATS!



  2. What a viable mode of transportation!

  3. Damn.

    Can I get my Grey Poupon delivered then?

  4. Anon 6.52p: Yes, it is. I just biked 8 miles from work. Are you afraid of water?

  5. Meanwhile the "valets" (the drivers, conductors and train operators) on NYC's real mass transit system (a/k/a the busses and subways) all showed up in the rain to work today.

  6. Not afraid of water; afraid of being greenwashed, being a lemming and narcissist, and afraid of being an automaton under the corporate master. Me, me, me, -- it's all bout meeeeeeeeee.

  7. Struggling to find a bike and ride home in the rain, sounds like Vietnam, not NYC.

  8. CitiBikes take SO many cars off the road! The are an ecological blessing! Plus, I look FAN-TASTIC showing up for an important meeting at work completely drenched. As I wring my underwear out on the conference table, I tell everyone how I'm saving the earth one bike ride at a time!

  9. Let's not forget how valuable those bikers are as organ donors. One good run in with a rogue taxi and BAM! A virtual haven for no longer needed body parts thanks to a generous biker donor. A harvester team will be waiting in the wings on every street corner to go shopping!

  10. @MaddMaxx I forgot about the important humanitarian work the CitiBike riders do. Thank you for acknowledging these forward-thinking, organ-donating pioneers!


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