[Click on map for a better view]
Michael Natale, a longtime LES resident who maintains the GammaBlog site, has been keeping tabs on the trees in Tompkins Square Park for the past three years.
He posted an updated map (above) this week.
Mostly I’ve indicated which trees died over the winter (X marks the spots). We lost three large Crab Apples within the Park, and several other small trees on 10th Street. The street trees along 10th Street have a high mortality rate, probably due to proximity to the Con Edison steam pipe running next to the south curb there. Also I’ve added an icon for all the Shingle Oaks that were planted around the perimeter this Spring.
Tomorrow, Natale is hosting two tree walks in Tompkins Square Park. (This is free, by the way.) If you are interested, then you can meet him near the Hare Krishna Tree in the Central Plaza of the Park at 9 a.m. or 5 p.m.
"We'll walk around and share our knowledge about the trees and the Park," he said.
You can print your own tree map here. (He'll have extras in case you don't have the chance to print one.)
"I'm particularly hoping that we'll attract local tree experts who can identify the few trees that have eluded positive identification," he said. "I'd also love to have gardeners on hand to help identify the various flowers and bushes, etc."
There's a neat app called TreesNY that does city trees, but not parks.
"Trees Near You helps you learn about more than 500,000 trees that live on New York City's streets. For any area of the city, from block to borough, you can see the different species that live there, and the environmental (and monetary!) benefits that these trees provide.
Please note: this application relies on public government data and includes trees planted on streets, but not in parks. The data is currently updated less than annually, and is unfortunately not always accurate or up-to-date. Please bear with us if our tree map diverges from the reality you observe!
The naming of trees after people is 1%er bullshit. What the fuck did Steve Jobs do for the east village so that a tree is named after him someone remind me please?
They're naming places for your dog to piss. I don't see the problem with that.
Dr Gecko - that never crossed my mind! maybe tonite after a couple of liquid pints at Manitoba's I'll go for a little walk myself and pay some tribute...when children aren't around of course.
To : Mr. Grump
From : PPPU (Park Piss Patrol Unit)
Please be advised that amateur pissing in the park is only allowed on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. At all other times, only professionally-accredited professional pissers will be allowed to pursue their noble profession.
Don't make us have to use our WASERS (Weenie tASERS) on you.
We also are currently seeking new professionals to join the ranks. If you're interested, simply forward a $1000 money order to the address you will be given, and we'll get that Lifetime License right off to 'ya!
Thanks for your attention.
(PS = GREAT map!)
Hi Grieve, I haven't seen a date stamp on your posts. I don't know if this was for Friday or Saturday.
Hi Victoria
It's today.
Michael will be doing the next tour at 5!
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