Sunday, July 13, 2014

New from 10th Street Free Press

Between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue.



  1. Chuck Schumer a Bolshevik? Mr. Senator Wall Street? That’s rich.

  2. Ken from Ken's KitchenJuly 13, 2014 at 1:03 PM

    Really. This guy hasn't got a clue. There is very little actual left wing representation in US state and Fed gov't.

  3. This guy is a MORON. Obviously he has no clue about fascism or communism. I assume he's home-schooled.

  4. Show me a pol and I'll show you a commie. Commies want to steal from producers, which is what pols and bureaucrooks do.

    Bill the libertarian anarchist and resident of the Union of Soviet Socialist Boros (USSB)

  5. Only in NYC - perhaps if some of you would venture west of the Judson and visit America maybe you'd understand - republicans in NYC are Democrats elsewhere and the NYC democrats are the liberal tax and spend leaders - only in NYC is Giuliani a republican right winger please learn about America the country you are technically a part of

  6. Is this the work of the yippies trying to publish a new theme paper

  7. Uhh okay this pretty much reads like a Wall Street Journal op/ed. Shallow glibertarianism? Check. Blithe invocation of historical authoritarian monsters to describe center-right Wall Street lapdogs? Check. Tax fetishism? Check.

    Look, if taxes are your problem, and not skyrocketing rents and stagnant wages and scarce jobs and all the other ills caused by our handing the reins of government over to the 'producers' for the past 40 years, then you are one lucky and wealthy nutbar.

  8. It's nice to see that you can still complain without offering any constructive alternative. That is what makes our country....(fill in the blank.)


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